Find an in-depth discussion about brand guidelines to strengthen your branding.
Brand Guidelines: Definitions & Benefits for Business
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Brand guidelines are an essential guide to building a business identity. Learn more about the definitions, examples, and how to create it, all in this article!
Brand guidelines, also known as brand style guidelines, are special guides that can establish a business identity.
Brand style guidelines can also be used for many purposes, such as helping all stakeholders apply visual assets properly, allowing business partners to understand brand style, and more.
Therefore, business owners need to create a complete brand guideline, including its visual content. In this article, Visuwisu will dive into detail about what you should do with your brand guide. Here's the whole explanation!
What are Brand Guidelines?
Brand guidelines, also known as brand guides, are documents specifically designed to provide guidance and information on using visual assets consistently across multiple contexts and platforms.
Brand style guideline documents are usually created by design and marketing teams to ensure consistency in content creation that aligns with brand standards.
The primary goal of these guidelines is to ensure that visual content and brand messages remain consistent, regardless of who uses them or where they are used.
Brand Guideline Component
When creating a brand style guideline, there are several components to consider. The standard elements that should be included in the guide are as follows:
1. Logo
A logo is a visual representation used to identify an entity or brand. Here are some things that need to be arranged when it comes to the logo:
Logo Size and Proportion: Specify the dimensions and ratios of the logo that must be maintained to prevent distortion.
Space Around the Logo: Specify a space around the logo so that it looks clear and does not compete with other elements.
Color Options: Specify which colors are allowed or prohibited to be used on the logo.
Alternative Version: Includes full color, black and white versions, or logo modifications for specific needs.
2. Brand Color
In addition to the essential components of a brand guide, brand color also holds important components. Here are the color elements to specify:
Color Palette: A brand color palette must be adhered to in all marketing and design materials.
Color Code: Gives color codes in RGB, CMYK, and HEX formats to ensure color consistency across different platforms and media.
3. Typography
Typography is the technique of designing letters, characters, and spaces in the form of writing. It also needs to be regulated to ensure consistent use.
Here are the typographic components that need to be specified in the brand style guideline:
Font Type: Specifies the font type or font used for the brand.
Text Size: Gives a recommended text size guide for the title, subtitle, and content.
4. Language and Tone
A brand's language and tone, also known as the brand voice, may define a brand's personality.
Therefore, these components must be included in the brand style guideline.
Here are some of the things that need to be regulated:
The Tone of Voice: A guide on how a brand can be perceived through words and language.
Writing Guidelines: Guidelines for writing that align with the brand's personality.
Generally speaking, the team must agree on the above components before being included in the brand guide. As a result, these guidelines are useful for internal teams and external partners.
Brand Guideline Example
To enhance your understanding, here is an example of the brand guideline of cmlabs created by Visuwisu:
Figure 1 - Brand guideline cmlabs about the logo.
The picture above shows that the cmlabs logo can be used as a wordmark or combination logo. In addition, the above guide also explains how to use it correctly.
Figure 2 - Brand color guide cmlabs.
Apart from a logo, the color of the cmlabs brand is also defined by the brand guidelines. In this case, Visuwisu offers a variety of colors that can be used on the marketing material as well as the visual content of the cmlabs.
Figure 3 - A typographic guide to cmlabs.
Typography is one of the visual content that needs to be set in the brand guide. In the preceding example, cmlabs' main font uses Plus Jakarta Sans.
In addition to the primary font, Visuwisu lists other options, including Helvetica Now as a secondary font and Covered by Your Grace as a decorative font.
Benefits of Having a Brand Guideline
Having brand guidelines can provide many significant benefits to a brand or company.
Here are some of the main benefits of having a consistent brand guide:
1. Visual Consistency
Brand guidelines help ensure that visual content elements, e.g. logos, colors, and typography, are used consistently across different media and platforms. It can help to create a solid and recognizable brand personality.
2. Consistent Message Delivery
Brand style guidelines also help ensure that the message delivered by the brand remains consistent throughout communication channels and marketing materials. This way, you can create a strong image in the eyes of the consumer.
3. Differentiation from the Competitor
Having a unique brand guide can help you distinguish your business from the competitors. This is because consistency in both design and communication can create distinctive and impressive identities.
4. Internal Understanding
In addition to building an external brand image, internal team members, such as those responsible for marketing, design, and communication, can also benefit from brand guidelines.
By having a brand guide, the internal team can understand the elements that define the brand. It is essential to ensure that all parties in the company understand and implement brand identity consistently.
How to Create a Brand Guideline
After you've learned the definitions, elements, examples, and benefits of a brand guideline, you need to know how to create it for your business.
Some important steps were taken to ensure brand identity consistency when creating this document. Here's how to create a brand style guideline that you should know:
1. Determine Brand Identity Elements
Before compiling it into a document, you must first define the brand elements arranged in the guide document.
As described earlier, the elements that must be determined include the logo, brand color, typography, and brand voice. So, make sure you've defined everything before anything else.
2. Give Illustration
Next, if all the elements are complete, you must provide an illustration to demonstrate the proper use of all aspects.
In this case, you'll need to collaborate with the design team to create an easy-to-understand illustration.
This Illustration clarifies the guidelines for the use of visual brands. For example, display the logo in various sizes and versions or provide examples of incorrect and correct usage so that readers can understand your brand's guidelines.
Figure 4 - An illustration of the use of the cmlabs logo.
3. Gives a User Guide
Furthermore, you should also provide context for brand visual asset usage. For example, you can specify how assets will be used in print and digital media.
As a result, this document can help prevent improper or inconsistent use of brand assets, ensure visual consistency, and protect the integrity of your brand across multiple platforms and media.
It can be concluded that brand guidelines are essential documents that every company should have. For that, you need to specify the visual content to be included in the brand guide document first.
If you have trouble creating a company's visual brand and putting them together into a guide, VISUWISU can help you.
We can create visual assets tailored to the business value, allowing us to create a strong image.
Want to create complete and informative brand guidelines? Contact VISUWISU now!